WoW Patch 10.2: Die besonderen Waffen und Schmuckstücke aus Amirdrassil

WoW Patch 10.2: Die besonderen Waffen und Schmuckstücke aus Amirdrassil

Wir werfen einen ersten Blick auf die Waffen mit besonderen Effekten und die Schmuckstücke, die ihr in Patch 10.2 von WoW: Dragonflight aus dem neuen Raid Amirdrassil erbeutet.

Im kommenden Patch 10.2 für WoW: Dragonflight begeben wir uns in einen neuen Schlachtzug namens Amirdrassil, Hoffnung des Traums. Die Bosse des Raids lassen einige interessante Items fallen. Insgesamt fünf Waffen besitzen mehr als nur die typischen Werte und könnten womöglich der Grund sein, warum sie für euren Helden BiS (Best in Slot) sind.

Im Folgenden werfen wir einen Blick auf die fünf Waffen und die Schmuckstücke des Schlachtzugs, die von Natur aus immer besondere Effekte auslösen.


  • Besondere Waffen und Schmuckstücke aus Amirdrassil in WoW Patch 10.2
    • Waffen
    • Schmuckstücke

Besondere Waffen und Schmuckstücke aus Amirdrassil in WoW Patch 10.2


Cruel Dreamcarver: Use: Stab your target for Shadowflame damage and carve out a piece of their dreams, consuming it to gain a benefit based on the creature's type for 60m. (1 Min Cooldown)

Thorncaller Claw: Equip: Your damaging melee abilities have a low chance to inflict Thorn Spirit, which deals 7774 Nature damage over 15 sec. Using damaging melee abilities against a target with Thorn Spirit inflicts 2076 Nature damage split between all enemies within 5 yards of the target.

[PH] Fyrakk Cantrip 1H Axe STR Equip: Your abilities have a chance to draw on the corruption within, dealing an additional 19467 Shadowflame damage to you and your target.

[PH] Fyrakk Cantrip 1H Mace INT Equip: Your abilities have a chance to draw on the corruption within, dealing an additional 19467 Shadowflame damage to you and your target.

[PH] Fyrakk Cantrip 2H Staff AGI Equip: Your abilities have a chance to draw on the corruption within, dealing an additional 19467 Shadowflame damage to you and your target.

Bis auf den Dolch und die Faustwaffe werden die besonderen Waffen bei Fyrakk droppen. Darauf weist der Platzhalter-Name der Items hin. Bisher kann die Macht der Axt, des Zweihandstreitkolben und des Intelligenz-Stabs noch nicht abgeschätzt werden, da es sich um einen Endboss-Drop handelt, wird der Effekt aber sicherlich gut sein.



Bandolier of Twisted Blades

+570 Agility

Use: Plunge the Twisted Blades into your target, dealing 54547 Physical damage. After 3 sec, the blades ignite with Shadowflame and return to you, dealing 133640 Shadowflame damage split between the target and all enemies in its path.

Damage increased per enemy struck, up to 5. (1 Min, 30 Sec Cooldown)

Branch of the Tormented Ancient

+570 Strength

Use: Summon 6 roots to draw on their power for 15 sec, slowing you by 10% per root. Your next 6 melee abilities each sever a root, dealing 72919 additional Shadowflame damage split between nearby enemies.

Damage increased per enemy struck, up to 5. (2 Min, 30 Sec Cooldown)

Infernal Signet Brand

+570 [Agility or Strength]

Equip: Your attacks and abilities have a chance to viciously brand your target, dealing 391790 Fire damage over 6 sec, and grant you Firestarter, stacking up to 15 times. Damage increased per stack to a maximum of 156716.

While above 5 stacks, also deals 50% of its damage to you. At 15 stacks, enemies near your target suffer 10% of the damage dealt split between them. Firestarter decays every 5 sec while out of combat and fades entirely after 15 sec.

Tainted Rageheart

+570 [Agility or Strength]

Equip: Deal 1122 Shadowflame damage to you and nearby enemies every 3 sec while in combat.
Use: Give in to the Rageheart, absorbing 221636 damage but suffering 18841 Shadowflame damage and lashing out at a nearby enemy every 1 sec to deal 18465 Shadowflame damage split between nearby enemies.

Damage increased per enemy struck, up to 5. (2 Min Cooldown)


Blossom of Amirdrassil

+570 Intellect

Equip: Healing an ally below 85% health grants them Blossom of Amirdrassil, healing for 80240 over 6 sec. This effect may occur once per minute.

If the target is fully healed when this effect expires, the Blossom spreads to 3 injured allies to heal for 40119 over 6 sec. If the target is not fully healed, the Blossom blooms to absorb 120359 damage instead. (1m cooldown)

Belor'relos, the Sunstone

+570 Intellect

Use: Unleash a solar maelstrom, slowing yourself and nearby enemies before erupting in flames after 2 sec to deal 331226 Fire damage split between all enemies and 138009 Fire damage to you over 12 sec.

Castable while moving. Damage increased per enemy struck, up to 5. (2 Min Cooldown)

Nymue's Vengeful Spindle

+570 Intellect

Equip: Summon a Wisp every 3 seconds that seeks out nearby enemies to apply Weaver's Scorn, stacking up to 5 times and dealing 318 Nature damage before fading away. Wisps prioritize enemies that have yet to be Scorned.
Use: Channel for 2.5 sec, reclaiming the essence of all Scorned enemies to grant you 217 Mastery per stack consumed, up to 5 stacks, and deal 274075 Nature damage split between them.

Damage increased for each enemy struck, up to 5. (2 Min Cooldown)


Ashes of the Embersoul

+608 Haste

Use: Draw power from the remnants of the Embersoul, gaining 3607 <Primary Stat> for 20 sec, decaying every 3 sec. Once this effect ends, become Burned Out, losing 608 Haste for 60 sec before recovering.

When circumstances are dire your soul ignites, granting this bonus again without decaying. This effect may only occur once per combat. (2 Min Cooldown)

Smoldering Treant Seedling

+608 Haste

Use: Replant the Seedling and attempt to put out its flames for 12 sec. Healing the Seedling also heals up to 0 injured allies for the same amount, split evenly. Healing is increased for each ally until 487344 additional healing is provided.

If the Seedling is still alive after 12 sec, receive 493 Intelligence for 10 sec as thanks.

Gift of Urctos

+608 Versatility

Equip: Taking damage from nearby enemies causes you to counterattack for 7521 damage and gain 1 stack of Rising Rage, granting 11 <Primary Stat> and stacking up to 30 times. This effect may occur every 3 sec.

At 30 stacks of Rising Rage, gain Fury of Urctos for 8 sec before consuming them, counterattacking all blows and regenerating 13032.625 health every 1 sec.

Augury of the Primal Flame

+608 Critical Strike

Equip: Your spells and abilities have a low chance to grant Annihilating Flame for 30 sec, causing your critical strikes to deal 30% additional damage as Fire split between nearby enemies. The Flame fades after dealing 150894 total additional damage.

Damage and total limit increased per enemy struck, up to 5.

Pip's Emerald Friendship Badge

+570 [Agility or Strength or Intellect]

Equip: Join the Dream Team, gaining 235.833 of Pip's Mastery, Urctos's Versatility, or Aerwynn's Critical Strike based on your current Best Friend.

Your spells and abilities have a chance to tag in the next Best Friend, granting you their passive bonus and empowering it to 2830 for 12 sec. (12s cooldown)

Die Quelle der Schmuckstücke konnte noch nicht zugewiesen werden. Bei den Waffen wollt ihr unbedingt den Endboss des Schlachtzugs - Fyrakk - auf die Bretter schicken und ihn um seinen Loot bringen. Habt ihr es womöglich schon auf ein Item aus Amirdrassil abgesehen?

Quelle: Buffed